Dig this weirdo DEVO family group Visiting Kids

Trilobites Watch this video on YouTube. In the late 1980s, Nancye Ferguson, then-wife of DEVO's Mark Mothersbaugh along with Bob Mothersbaugh, his daughter Alex, and then-DEVO drummer David Kendrick, formed…

In the late 1980s, Nancye Ferguson, then-wife of DEVO's Mark Mothersbaugh along with Bob Mothersbaugh, his daughter Alex, and then-DEVO drummer David Kendrick, formed Visiting Kids. Mark Mothersbaugh wrote some of the tunes and he and Bob Casale (Bob 2) produced their self-titled sole LP. Above is Visiting Kids' wonderfully weird music video for the track "Trilobites" and below is the band's TV appearance on The Late Show.

(Thanks, UPSO!)

Visiting Kids Live on the Late Show singing Nepotism