Need help mellowing out lately? These meditation apps might calm you down

If you’re routinely prone to being stressed out, hurried or generally made out-of-sorts by the hectic pace of the world and life changes, then…yikes. We don’t envy what you must…

If you’re routinely prone to being stressed out, hurried or generally made out-of-sorts by the hectic pace of the world and life changes, then…yikes. We don’t envy what you must be going through these days.

Right about now, even the most zen and centered among us are bound to be feeling some level of anxiety and uncertainty. In these ultra trying times of social distancing, working from home and herculean routine change, we could all use a little extra help keeping our heads on straight, our minds clear and our fears in check.

To help calm those jangled nerves, we pulled together three mediation and relaxation apps that might just do the trick chilling you out. It also doesn’t hurt that they’re all between 50 and 90 percent off right now. Namaste.

Relax Melodies Meditation App: Lifetime Subscription – $124.99; originally $250

If you’re looking for endorsements, it doesn’t get much better than “the most positively reviewed app in the history of the Apple App Store.” That’s Relax Melodies, an app focused on regulating your sleep. It combines soothing sounds, bedtime stories, breathing techniques, body-mind exercises and more to create your own perfect sleep ambiance to get you the 7 or 8 hours of restful sleep a night you need.  From overcoming insomnia or tinnitus to night-time anxiety to lowering everyday stress, these sleep expert-approved techniques could be just what you need to face tomorrow the right way.

Discover Relax Melodies and Start Sleeping Better!

Welzen Meditation App: Lifetime Subscription – $29.99; originally $149.99

Welzen is all about dropping just the right pearl of zen at just the right moment. Every day, you get a brand new 10-minute mindfulness meditation with its own life lesson, designed to improve your happiness, promote self-discovery, acceptance and compassion. You’ll also have access to meditations grouped by your intention (reduce stress, quit smoking, etc.), part of Welzen’s more than 500 available sessions and mindfulness tools.

MindFi Mindfulness: Lifetime Subscription – $39; originally $365

MindFi helps you destress, reduce distractions and improve your relationships through four different mindfulness modes based on the time of day. Whether it’s starting your day with a 10-minute mindfulness course on sleep, leadership and other topics, a short break for haptic breathing exercises, quick meditations to boost your mood or even using a Pomodoro timer to increase your productivity, MindFi is a constantly shifting message of positivity and purpose to keep your day on track.