Quarantine humor: 'I fooled my co-workers into thinking I live in a luxury apartment'

“I was inspired by the phone booth on Pee-wee's Playhouse.”

This guy rules.

“I fooled my co-workers into thinking I live in a luxury apartment,” says a fellow forced to work remotely and be cooped up inside his modest flat during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Everything really sucks, but this response is funny.

This is how I fooled my co-workers on video chat into thinking I live in a luxury apartment. The backdrop is a photo I found in a Flickr search for "apartment interior", printed onto six pages and taped together with masking tape in the back.

“I was inspired by the phone booth on Pee-wee's Playhouse,” he says.


“I work as a software engineer in cancer research and have an active but money-losing side gig as a musician.”

IMGURian @RelevantForOnce, you win the online day.

I fooled my co-workers into thinking I live in a luxury apartment.