Right now, 27 percent of Americans would need to beg, borrow or steal if they were faced with an unexpected debt over $400. That’s a frightening number — and even more frightening still if you’re among that 27 percent.
With so many facing such precarious financial times, it’s never been more important to have a complete understanding of your money. And we don’t just mean knowing what’s in your wallet right now. You need to have complete command over your cashflow, knowing exactly what is coming into your accounts, what’s going out, and, more importantly, why it’s going out.
Wallet is a personal budgeting app that can crystalize your view of your money, helping you bring all of your transactions into one place so you can create a financial plan that actually works for your life.
With Wallet, users take a birds-eye view of their account picture. Once synced, all your bank account information and other financial statements feed directly into Wallet and automatically update in the app in real-time. Wallet can help you set up a budget taking all of your monthly expenses into account, so you’ll always know what you have and what you don’t.
But Wallet isn’t just an expense tracker. Wallet actually helps you spot trends in your spending so you can identify necessary purchases as well as those that probably shouldn’t continue. Shopping lists focus your money on needed expenditures like food, transportation or regular bills while helping you cut out impulse buying that detracts from your long term goals.
And yes, we do mean long term. Wallet budgeting isn’t a week-to-week or month-to-month proposition. They’re in it for the long haul, helping you develop smart habits, savings plans and other budgeting goals and strategies to improve your financial outlook a year — or 10 years — from now.
Wallet is definitely working for thousands of users, including the more than 139,000 who have given it a prestigious 4.7 out of 5-star rating in the Google Play Store. And unlike similar free-to-use apps, Wallet never harvests user data for sales or marketing purposes.
Right now, you can save 20 percent off the regular price of a lifetime Wallet subscription, down to just $34.99.
Prices are subject to change.