Explainer video – this is a good time to understand what exponential growth means

Exponential growth and epidemics

Exponential growth and epidemics Watch this video on YouTube. Here's a good video that shows how the increase in the number of Covid-19 follows an exponential growth curve. Each day,…

Here's a good video that shows how the increase in the number of Covid-19 follows an exponential growth curve. Each day, says 3Blue1Brown, the number of coronavirus cases is "between 1.15 and 1.25 of the number of cases the previous day."

3Blue1Brown writes: "While this video uses COVID-19 (aka the Coronavirus) as a motivating example, the main goal is simply a math lesson on exponentials and logistic curves. If you're looking for a video more focused on COVID-19 itself, I'd recommend taking a look at this one from Osmosis:"

COVID-19 | Live Ask-Me-Anything with Rishi Desai, MD, MPH