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English resort town to get giant white palm tree sculpture

Cleethorpes is a faded northern English resort town whose inherent grimness is leavened by low rainfall and a nice sandy beach. And now it is to become home to a giant white metal palm tree, to the dismay of some locals.

Artist Wolfgang Weileder has said the sculpture will serve as a “warning for the future” on climate change. It will feature a black shadow underneath, partly made from recycled material collected from Cleethorpes beach. The project, due to be installed by the end of the year, attracted mixed reactions from residents, with some describing the sculpture as a “laughing stock”. North East Lincolnshire Council’s planning committee approved the sculpture by six votes to four, the Local Democracy Reporting Service reported.

They should call it The Tree of Brexit as it will warn off invading Danes.

Illustration: North East Lincolnshire Council

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