Bristol newspaper publishes names and photos of local men calling for violence against Greta Thunberg

The Bristol Post provided complete coverage of Greta Thunberg's speech in the English city. She was seen in person by thousands of locals, but angry older men gathered online to…

The Bristol Post provided complete coverage of Greta Thunberg's speech in the English city. She was seen in person by thousands of locals, but angry older men gathered online to post abusive and contemptuous remarks on its stories and social media postings. Some of them threatened Thunberg, who is 17 years old, or called for others to harm her. The newspaper, in an act of unusual journalistic courage, ran a story naming and shaming the worst of them. (Internet Archive)

But most of the more furious ire was reserved for Greta Thunberg herself. Many other articles in other media have examined why a slight, tiny 17-year-old schoolgirl from Sweden triggers such anger and hatred from, mainly older people, but the kind of fury that follows the campaigner around the world arrived in Bristol with a vengeance. … The people who were appearing to make those suggestions of physical actions and violence were very often parents and grandparents themselves. Some had even called for people on social media to ‘be kind’ following the death of TV presenter Caroline Flack.

The usual suspects are already outraged by this free speech about their free speech.