The frozen houses of Lake Erie

The images from this local news report from WGRZ in Hamburg, NY are crazy. Houses completely encased in ice, some of it up to three feet thick. Cold temperatures, gale-force…

The images from this local news report from WGRZ in Hamburg, NY are crazy. Houses completely encased in ice, some of it up to three feet thick.

Cold temperatures, gale-force winds, and 18-foot waves from Lake Erie created an ice spectacle at Hoover Beach in Hamburg.

Homeowners on South shore Drive woke to the ice completely covering their doors and windows. In some cases, their homes were dark because of how thick the ice was.

Ed Mis, resident and homeowner in Hoover Beach, says he's never seen conditions this bad before. The front of his home is completely covered in ice that is likely one to three feet thick.

"I actually had to go out a secondary door and then chisel my way back into the house by breaking the ice," he told 2 On Your Side's Karys Belger.

[H/t Robin Moore]

Image: Screengrab