Bear that strolled through CA neighborhood is back in forest where he belongs

Bear takes stroll through California neighborhood

Bear takes stroll through California neighborhood Watch this video on YouTube. The large black bear in this video was observed ambling around a Monrovia, California neighborhood last Friday morning. The…

The large black bear in this video was observed ambling around a Monrovia, California neighborhood last Friday morning. The bear walked through residential lawns, driveways and rested in a nearby alley.

The Monrovia Police Department says officers observed the bear's activities, after people phoned in, and called state Department of Fish and Wildlife workers to the neighborhood.

From the Associated Press:

The bear was eventually tranquilized and taken to the nearest suitable forest habitat, said Tim Daly, a Fish and Wildlife spokesman. “One of our guys out on the scene described the bear as huge — about 400 pounds (181 kilograms) — female and older,” Daly said. “In the bear world, she would be described as elderly.”

The bear was otherwise fine, he said.

“It’s a little alarming how close and comfortable people were getting up next to this bear, but there were no incidents, so we’re happy about that,” he added. It was believed to be the same bear seen a day earlier in Monrovia, where it’s not uncommon for animals to wander out of the sprawling Angeles National Forest above the city.

Monrovia sits at the foot of the San Gabriel Mountains, and when the weather warms up the big mammals tend to come down and look for food each year, according to the Monrovia city bear safety page.

Bear takes stroll through California neighborhood (Feb. 21, YouTube)