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RIP Sy Sperling, founder of Hair Club for Men

Hair Club Commercial - (1986) I'm Also a Client (:60)

“I’m not only the Hair Club president but I’m also a client.” If those words ring a bell, then join me in celebrating a man brought much happiness to others. I’m talking about Sy Sperling, founder of Hair Club for Men, who rose to fame when he starred in his own television commercials. In addition to founding a successful hair restoration company in 1976, Sperling went on to become an active philanthropist.

From NBC News:

Sperling’s family said he was “most proud of his charitable contribution in the form of Hair Club for Kids, in which Hair Club for Men provided hair free of charge to children under 18 who lost their hair from chemotherapy.”

He acted as the honorary chairman for City Relief, which provides “Meals on Wheels” for the homeless. He also fought for animal rights and lived a “devout” vegan lifestyle, his family said.

“Colleagues, friends, and family recall Mr. Sperling as a visionary with an immense passion for business, innovation and helping others,” said a statement from Hair Club. “We continue to live by his words ‘Live life to the fullest, take chances and risks, and believe in yourself.'”

Image: YouTube

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