This sleazy Amazon marketplace seller offers $10 gift cards for 5-star reviews

[1047] An Amazon Scam: The Mofut Key Lock Box

[1047] An Amazon Scam: The Mofut Key Lock Box Watch this video on YouTube. The LockPickingLawyer, who runs a YouTube Channel about recreational lockpicking, bought a Mofut Key Lock Box.…

The LockPickingLawyer, who runs a YouTube Channel about recreational lockpicking, bought a Mofut Key Lock Box. Inside the box was a card offering $10 in the form of a gift card or cash via PayPal, in exchange for a 5-star review, which is a clear violation of Amazon's terms of service for sellers. The card even says, "Please DO NOT talk or post images about this rebate activity in your review content, otherwise it is invalid."

"To be clear," writes the LockPickingLawyer, "I’m not suggesting that Amazon is complicit in this review-buying nonsense. To the contrary, it seems to violate Amazon’s rules. As best as I can tell, this is the product of an unethical third-party seller."

Also, he shows how easy it is to defeat this lockbox with a thin metal shim. It looks like junk.