Tuesday Afternoon Massacre: More federal prosecutors resign from Roger Stone case, some quit DOJ entirely

What is Bill Barr about to do for Roger Stone on behalf of Donald Trump? Whatever it is, that seems to be what's behind the “Tuesday Afternoon Massacre.” More AUSAs…

What is Bill Barr about to do for Roger Stone on behalf of Donald Trump?

Whatever it is, that seems to be what's behind the “Tuesday Afternoon Massacre.”

More AUSAs resign from the Roger Stone case on the same day the DoJ intervened on Trump's behalf.

Earlier today, top Mueller prosecutor Aaron Zelinsky resigned from his position as AUSA in the DC office, but still works in MD… for now.

Jonathan Kravis became the second — in a statement he said he "has resigned as an Assistant United States Attorney and therefore no longer represents the government in this case."

A third AUSA, Adam Jed, another Mueller veteran, just withdrew.

And a new DOJ attorney, John Crabb Jr., has entered his appearance.

These are the ones we know about, from court filings. At the least, three AUSA have resigned so far. Are there or will there be more?