Take a gander at [what is not] Bill Gates's $644 million hydrogen-powered superyacht

UPDATE: The Guardian took this story down, stating: This article was removed on 12 February 2020 after the Guardian was notified of a fundamental error in facts reported. The original…

UPDATE: The Guardian took this story down, stating:

This article was removed on 12 February 2020 after the Guardian was notified of a fundamental error in facts reported.

The original article said that Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, had commissioned a hydrogen-powered superyacht known as Aqua, designed by Dutch design firm Sinot. However, Sinot Yacht Architecture & Design issued a statement saying that Aqua is “not linked to Mr Gates (or his representatives) in any form or matter” and that Sinot has not sold the concept to, and has “no business relationship” with, Gates.

Boat owners warn friends who show an interest in the hobby that a boat is a hole in the water you throw money into. Even if Bill Gates received that advice, it wouldn't apply to him. He threw $644 million into a giant hole in the water, and it didn't make a dent in his net worth. His 370-foot long vessel has, according to The Guardian an "infinity pool, helipad, spa and gym," and neatest of all, it runs on the same fuel that powered the Hindenberg. From The Guardian:

The vessel is unlikely to take to the seas before 2024, according to the Sunday Telegraph, which reported the Gates commission. When it does, it has the potential to reach speeds of 17 knots (about 20mph) and travel 3,750 miles (or roughly London to New York) before it needs to refuel. The Sunday Telegraph said the boat would have a “diesel back-up” due to the scarcity of hydrogen refuelling stations.

Gates, 64, who is currently ranked as the world’s second-richest man with a $118bn (£92bn) fortune, is a regular superyacht holidaymaker who has not previously owned his own vessel. Typically renting yachts for his own use, in the past he has holidayed off the coast of Sardinia onboard the $330m yacht Serene, which is owned by the Stolichnaya vodka magnate, Yuri Scheffler.

The Guardian has a photo of Gates' boat. Above, a photo of another boat by Raiyyithu Mujey on Unsplash.