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Florida fisherman catches parachutes and capsule door from SpaceX crew capsule

Local fisherman catches SpaceX in-flight abort test parachutes

Last week, charter fishing boat captain David Stokes was fishing off the Daytona Beach coast when he reeled in a capsule door and two parachutes that were part of a SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft. On January 19, SpaceX conducted a successful in-flight abort test of their Crew Dragon that involved exploding the Falcon 9 rocket and releasing the capsule to carry the crew to safety. From UPI:

Stokes said he has attempted to contact SpaceX and tagged Elon Musk in a tweet about the discovery in the hopes of bringing it to their attention.

“I’d like for SpaceX to come check it out to see what they think about it … any damage to it,” Stokes told WKMG-TV. “It would also be awesome to have Elon Musk autograph it.”

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