Box full of bear cubs bewilders North Carolina man

'I said what in the world': Two bear cubs left on man's doorstep in Camden, NC On Tuesday night, North Carolina resident Cornelius Williams got home from the grocery store…

'I said what in the world': Two bear cubs left on man's doorstep in Camden, NC

On Tuesday night, North Carolina resident Cornelius Williams got home from the grocery store and heard a squeaky sound coming from the direction of a cardboard box someone left in his walkway, reports WTKR-TV.

This was weird. It was night. Williams called authorities for help.

When a deputy approached the box and looked inside, surprise: two newborn bear cubs were inside the box.

You have GOT to hear Cornelius Williams' impersonation of the bear cubs' cries. It's pretty hilarious.

The bears were taken to the North Carolina Zoo in Asheboro to be examined and cared for, news outlets reported.

He peered a bit closer, as it was dark outside.

""I see the box sitting right on my walkway – right here close to my car – and I looked inside and thought I saw Tasmanian devils," said Williams. “The noise was the reason I was so concerned – it was like a squeaky noise," Williams described.

When the deputy arrived at his home, a quick investigation revealed the animal inside the cardboard box was not one, but two newborn baby bear cubs.

"I said, 'What in the world?" No way, no how… if the mama bear would have seen me in the yard, I would have been a Happy Meal," said Williams. An incredibly bizarre find, something the sheriff has never seen.

"A little strange; we just don't run up on this all the time," said Jones. "Bears are not strangers to Camden County. We have a very large population, but why would someone leave them deliberately at someone's home?"

"Why me? Was this a setup? How in the world could someone take two baby bears less than a day old and bring [them] up here, put [them] in a box and with a blanket on top?" Williams wondered.

More: Associated Press