This fast-track training is the key to passing the AWS certification exam on your first try

Google and Microsoft keep attacking, but when you’re talking cloud-based computer systems, you’re still really only talking about one name: Amazon.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is still the 800-pound gorilla of the cloud market, and getting accredited as an AWS Certified Solutions Architect is a big deal for hiring managers and those getting hired. You can learn exactly what it takes to pass that CSAP exam on your first shot with the training included in the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Practice Tests + Courses Bundle ($14.99, 88 percent off).

This training is a full download for working in the AWS environment. Once you’ve gone through these courses, you’ll understand how to navigate the AWS Management Console as well as how to design, implement, and scale up web operations for an organization of any size, no matter its budget or timeframe.

You’ll also learn how to craft stable architecture, put together security with potential for growth, and how to study data flowing in and out of your system for top optimization of resources.

With five full-length mock exams packed with over 400 unique AWS CSAP certification exam practice questions, there isn’t an element of AWS you won’t know like the back of your hand.

Typically a $130 training package, the complete AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional course is priced at just $14.99 right now.