Early spring ‘a certainty’ – Pennsylvania groundhog Punxsutawney Phil

Punxsutawney Phil predicts early spring

Punxsutawney Phil predicts early spring Watch this video on YouTube. “Spring will be early, it’s a certainty.” Punxsutawney Phil said it on Sunday, gotta be true. From The Associated Press:…

“Spring will be early, it’s a certainty.”

Punxsutawney Phil said it on Sunday, gotta be true.

From The Associated Press:

At sunrise on Groundhog Day, members of Punxsutawney Phil’s top hat-wearing inner circle revealed the cuddly oracle’s prediction — his 134th, according to the Pennsylvania Tourism Office. Awoken by the crowd’s chants of “Phil!” the groundhog was hoisted in the air for the assembly to hail before making his decision. He then grasped the glove of a handler as a member of his inner circle announced that spring would come early this year.

The annual event has its origin in a German legend that says if a furry rodent casts a shadow on Feb. 2, winter continues. If not, spring comes early. In reality, Phil’s prediction is decided ahead of time by the group on Gobbler’s Knob, a tiny hill just outside Punxsutawney. That’s about 65 miles (105 kilometers) northeast of Pittsburgh.

More: Pennsylvania groundhog declares early spring 'a certainty'