Why all the sniffing? Why the slurring?
I wonder why President Donald Trump sniffs so much when he's giving super important public addresses.
What's up with that snort?
I wonder why he appeared to be slurring his words today.
Anxiety? Dementia, or some other health disorder? Drugs? Lack of drugs?
There are rumors, but nothing confirmed.
Whatever it is?
It ain't good.
So here's a supercut video put together by Timothy Burke. Enjoy it while we all watch, and wonder.
58 times. He sniffed 58 times during his address. Here are all of them. pic.twitter.com/GoAIfsfdLd
— Timothy Burke (@bubbaprog) January 8, 2020
More observations on the subject, below, from Twitter.
End sentence, long sniff, start sentence… #Trump
— Paul Vale (@PaulVale) January 8, 2020
Trump's Adderall Sniff tm is more pronounced than usual today.
— Nicole Sandler (@nicolesandler) January 8, 2020
As Trump's sniffing issue is trends again, I would like to take a modest moment to say I was among the first to notice this when I made this video on the night of the first debate on Sept. 26, 2016.
He appears to do it the most when he's nervous. https://t.co/LVDcuybgQ8
Gillian Brockell
(@gbrockell) January 8, 2020
After this first sniffing episode, then-candidate Trump said the mics were defective and implied it was intentionally done to sabotage him.
Defective microphones appear to have been installed in the White House too.
Gillian Brockell
(@gbrockell) January 8, 2020
What's up with Trump's weird loud nose-breathing lol
— Yarno Ritzen (@YarnoRitzen) January 8, 2020
Someone needs to write an explainer on why Trump breathes so loudly through his nose when he gives prepared remarks
— Ben Adler (@badler) January 8, 2020
As @AdamParkhomenko said, is President* Trump on drugs or is he out of them?#TrumpsWarOfMassDistraction or just another #TrumpSpeech?https://t.co/cIaeMnMwVL
— Adam Rifkin ? (@ifindkarma) January 8, 2020