Royal Mail issues stamps honoring classic British computer games

The U.K.'s Royal Mail is putting out a set of stamps featuring screenshots of classic British-made computer games, from 1984's Elite to the recent Tomb Raider remakes. A basic set…

The U.K.'s Royal Mail is putting out a set of stamps featuring screenshots of classic British-made computer games, from 1984's Elite to the recent Tomb Raider remakes. A basic set is £9 at the Royal Mail's shop, with various collector sets on offer too.

Two First Class stamps, two Second Class stamps, two £1.55 stamps and two £1.60 stamps.

Elite | 1984 | BBC Micro and Acorn Electron Second Class

Dizzy | 1987 | ZX Spectrum £1.60

Populous | 1989 | Commodore Amiga £1.60

Lemmings | 1991 | Commodore Amiga First Class

Micro Machines | 1991 | Sega Mega Drive £1.55

Sensible Soccer | 1992 | Commodore Amiga First Class

Wipeout | 1995 | Sony Playstation £1.55

Worms | 1995 | Commodore Amiga Second Class