Turning a Sega MegaDrive into a cool, retro synthesizer

Sega MegaDrive Synthesizer, Made From A Sega Mega Drive And GEN MDM

Sega MegaDrive Synthesizer, Made From A Sega Mega Drive And GEN MDM Watch this video on YouTube. Sam Battle of Look Mum No Computer, the mad sonic scientist who brought…

Sam Battle of Look Mum No Computer, the mad sonic scientist who brought us the Furby Organ, has done it again. This time, he turned a Sega Genesis/Mega Drive into an awesomely retro-sounding synthesizer.

The Sega Mega Drive included a Yamaha YM2612 six-channel FM synthesizer chip under the hood. Sam broke that out to create his synth which so epically invokes that iconic, often cringe-worthy, 80s synth sound.

On his second YouTube channel, Look Mum No Computer But More Serious-ish, he goes into more detail about the YM2612, the Sega Drive, and putting together the synth.