Leviathan: an eight foot tall, seven foot wide assemblage sculpture "ghost ship"

Last year, artist Jason Stieva completed work on "Leviathan – Ark of the Apocalypse," a spectacular, 7-foot-long, 8-foot-high sculpture of a ghostly pirate ship. Steiva is an assemblage sculptor and…

Last year, artist Jason Stieva completed work on "Leviathan – Ark of the Apocalypse," a spectacular, 7-foot-long, 8-foot-high sculpture of a ghostly pirate ship. Steiva is an assemblage sculptor and tattoo artist from Whitby, ON who spent 15 months on the ship, which is populated by a variety of readymade Warcraft miniatures and other findings.

He called it his "most daunting project" and it ended up with a tattoo customer (Stieva tattooed a ship on his chest) who is also an "avid collector."

Stieva's other work is equally spectacular.

Members of the That's Insane subreddit compared the ship to the CGI "ghost ship" from the opening credits of Black Sails and there are certainly some similarities, but Stieva's work is, if anything, far more impressive, both as an accomplishment and as a work of art.

“Overall it was the most daunting project I’ve ever worked on and will probably ever create,” he shares. “There is a lot of extremely tedious detail from front to back, top to bottom. Just severing the army heads alone and sanding the back of each to be certain they would sit flush once applied with tweezers took weeks. Sourcing all the characters took quite a while. Redesigning, taking apart, rebuilding, and making the ark structurally sound long before any sculpting began took quite a while.”

Artist Spends 15 Months Constructing Ghostly Pirate Ship With Ordinary Found Materials [Jessica Stewart/My Modern Met]

(via /r/ThatsInsane)

(Images: @shallowgravestudios/Jason Stieva)