Boston city council election decided by a single vote

The final spot on Boston's city council race for at-large councillors went to Julia Mejia, who edged out her opponent Alejandra St. Guillen by a single vote (22,491 to 22,492).…

The final spot on Boston's city council race for at-large councillors went to Julia Mejia, who edged out her opponent Alejandra St. Guillen by a single vote (22,491 to 22,492). Both were in the running to be the first Latina elected to council.

The re-count took three days, and is described as "brutal" by WGBH's Isaiah Thompson.

Through the grueling three-day recount, Mejia and St. Guillen were cordial, complimenting each other's campaigns.

After St. Guillen conceded the race, it was her campaign Mejia first singled out for praise when she celebrated the victory, at last, in front of City Hall.

“I want to thank Alejandra St. Guillen for the hard race that she and her campaign team led,” Mejia told reporters.

In an election that will be remembered for a long time, both the winner and loser will have fought a clean fight.

Five Takeaways From What Might Have Been The Closest Election In Boston History [Isaiah Thompson/WGBH]

(Thanks, Kathy Padilla!)

(Image: About Labels)