A touch of The Dark Tower in Red Dead Redemption 2

Warning, Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass spoiler ahead. It's fascinating to follow explorers discovering the bizarre out of bounds landscapes of Red Dead Redemption 2, like the mysterious pyramids,…

Warning, Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass spoiler ahead.

It's fascinating to follow explorers discovering the bizarre out of bounds landscapes of Red Dead Redemption 2, like the mysterious pyramids, and seams where the land meets unfinished low-res geography.

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Although Mexico is seemingly not part of the game, dataminers say they have found models for familiar Mexico locations hidden in the PS4 version. Gamers have also discovered a hidden path into Mexico. As this video shows, you have to ride your horse into a canyon and then press through the strange barrier at the end. If successful, you emerge in Mexico. The land is almost entirely barren, aside for an abandoned fortress:

How to Get to MEXICO in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2 SECRET Map)

Ahh, seems so simple to create an entire Wizard and Glass campaign for the game.

Speaking of, the apparent Big Coffin Hunters in Amazon's upcoming series look great: