Here are photos of Trump with Prince Andrew, who he says he does not know

New flash: Trump has been caught lying. Currently in the U.K., Trump (a pal of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein) was asked about Prince Andrew (another pal of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein), and…

New flash: Trump has been caught lying. Currently in the U.K., Trump (a pal of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein) was asked about Prince Andrew (another pal of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein), and he replied: “I don’t know Prince Andrew, but it’s a tough story, it’s a very tough story.”

NY Magazine has three photos of Trump with Andrew dating back to 2000.

The Washington Post reports that Trump and Prince Andrew had a breakfast meeting in June:

The Daily Beast also has numerous photos of Trump and the Prince:

Image of Prince Andrew: By Northern Ireland Office –, CC BY 2.0, Link. Image of Trump: By Shealah CraigheadWhite House, Public Domain, Link