Devin Nunes: 'It’s possible' I talked to Lev Parnas

Uh-oh, someone's in trouble.

Devin Nunes is about to have a REAL cow.

How soon things change, when once sees one's phone calls with Lev Parnas in the House Impeachment Report.

Possible co-sneaky-business-doer and alleged Republican congressman Devin Nunes said tonight now on Sean Hannity's Fox News show “It’s possible” that he, Devin Nunes, talked to Lev Parnas.

“l haven’t gone through all my phone records…I don’t really recall that name, I remember that name now because he’s been indicted. But it seems very unlikely I’d be taking calls from random people.”

Noted by Politico national security reporter Natasha Bertrand.

Wouldn't bet on his new lawsuit against CNN going well, if this continues eroding for him.

Who's paying the legal fees on that one?

Others who know say Devin Nunes is in serious trouble. I imagine they're not wrong. And we'll be watching a man fall apart soon.