White nationalists who got a $2.5m payout from UNC abuse the DMCA to censor lawyer's trove of documents about it

T. Greg Doucette is the North Carolina litigator who sleuthed out the incredible, bizarre details of the decision of the University of North Carolina's Republican-appointed governors to hand a group…

T. Greg Doucette is the North Carolina litigator who sleuthed out the incredible, bizarre details of the decision of the University of North Carolina's Republican-appointed governors to hand a group of white nationalists $2.5m to build a Confederacy museum.

Doucette visited the Orange County Courthouse and scanned 123 pages' worth of documents related to the "lawsuit" that resulted in the UNC payout, including a "victory statement" by Kevin Stone, who styles himself "commander" of the white nationalist group Sons of Confederate Veterans, who received the $2.5m windfall from the university.

But that victory statement is not available now, because Stone and the Sons of Confederate Veterans sent a DMCA notice to Dropbox, demanding that the document be removed on the grounds that it was a copyright violation, despite the document being part of a public court record.

Doucette sounds like he's ready to fight.

(I am a visiting professor of practice at UNC's School of Information and Library Science)