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Watch how to turn a Coke can into clear squishy plastic

Drain Cleaner VS Coke Can Experiment

This Coke can disappearing act is a fun experiment that reveals the hidden layer inside the soda’s packaging.

According to MEL Science, who posted their own version of this experiment in May, Coke is packaged in two layers of protective material, and only one of them can withstand drain cleaner.

This or­di­nary alu­minum can is con­ceal­ing a de­vi­ous se­cret – it is cov­ered with a pro­tec­tive lay­er not only on the out­side, but on the in­side as well! When we re­move its paint coat­ing, we ex­pose the alu­minum, which eas­i­ly re­acts with a drain clean­er that con­tains an al­ka­line com­po­nent. But even when the alu­minum has dis­solved com­plete­ly, the drink will not leak out. There is a sec­ond ma­te­ri­al in­side the can – a lay­er of plas­tic that keeps the drink it­self from in­ter­act­ing with the alu­minum.

If you try it yourself, MEL Science adds a safety precaution: “Wear pro­tec­tive gloves, glass­es, and a mask. Work in a well-ven­ti­lat­ed area. Per­form this ex­per­i­ment un­der adult su­per­vi­sion only!”

MEL Science’s version of the experiment:

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