Trump policies result in 69,550 migrant children held in U.S. government custody over past year

Kids Caught in the Crackdown | Trailer | FRONTLINE + AP

Kids Caught in the Crackdown | Trailer | FRONTLINE + AP Watch this video on YouTube. We're number one. In the racist, eugenicist, genocidal theft of infants, toddlers, and tender-age…

We're number one. In the racist, eugenicist, genocidal theft of infants, toddlers, and tender-age children from undocumented and mostly indigenous migrants who are fleeing violence in Guatemala and other Central American failed states.

An Associated Press investigation found that America held a record number of kids in 2019. An estimated 69,550 migrant children were held in U.S. government custody over the past year, which is enough infants, toddlers, kids and teens to overflow the typical NFL stadium.

From the AP report:

This month, new government data shows the little girl is one of an unprecedented 69,550 migrant children held in U.S. government custody over the past year, enough infants, toddlers, kids and teens to overflow the typical NFL stadium. That’s more children detained away from their parents than any other country, according to United Nations researchers. And it’s happening even though the U.S. government has acknowledged that being held in detention can be traumatic for children, putting them at risk of long-term physical and emotional damage.

Some of these migrant children who were in government custody this year have already been deported. Some have reunited with family in the U.S., where they’re trying to go to school and piece their lives back together. About 4,000 are still in government custody, some in large, impersonal shelters. And more arrive every week.

The video in this post is the trailer for KIDS CAUGHT IN THE CRACKDOWN, a new documentary series coming from this AP investigative reporting team and PBS FRONTLINE:

This story is part of an ongoing joint investigation between The Associated Press and the PBS series FRONTLINE on the treatment of migrant children, which includes the film “Kids Caught in the Crackdown” premiering on PBS and online Nov. 12 at 10 p.m. EST/9 p.m. CST.

In “Kids Caught in the Crackdown,” FRONTLINE and The Associated Press “examine the widespread consequences — and business — of the mass confinement of migrant children under the Trump administration.”

Watch "Kids Caught in the Crackdown" starting Nov. 12 at 10/9c.

US held record number of migrant children in custody in 2019 [AP, CHRISTOPHER SHERMAN, MARTHA MENDOZA AND GARANCE BURKE]