Do you recognize the infamous birds this artist is drawing for Inktober?

For Inktober, Sabtastic has been drawing birds that have earned notoriety for their criminal behavior. Are you online enough to recognize these crooked birds? Day 14 of #inktober involves pigeon…

For Inktober, Sabtastic has been drawing birds that have earned notoriety for their criminal behavior.

Are you online enough to recognize these crooked birds?


A suspected Pakistani 'spy pigeon' seized just inside India's border faces X-ray by security officials to ensure the bird is not carrying hidden messages, or spy gadgets.


A parrot has been taken into custody in northern Brazil following a police raid targeting crack dealers.

According to reports in the Brazilian press, the bird had been taught to alert criminals to police operations in Vila Irmã Dulce, a low-income community in the sun-scorched capital of Piauí state, by shouting: “Mum, the police!”


Canuck became a media celebrity in 2016 after he stole a knife from a Vancouver crime scene.

Last year, he received more than 300,000 votes to win CBC's online poll to become Metro Vancouver's Unofficial Ambassador.

You can see the rest of Sabtastic's creations here.