The Life Cycle, Episode 2: Quirky Futurist Podcast Ponders Alien Civilization with Expert Thinkers

In episode two of The Life Cycle, John and Eva stare up at the night sky and get deep. Where are all the aliens? Are we alone in the universe?…

In episode two of The Life Cycle, John and Eva stare up at the night sky and get deep. Where are all the aliens? Are we alone in the universe? Could it be that we’re just pets in some zoo run by alien overlords? Does this mean everything we do is meaningless? And what has Jodie Foster got to say about it all? Time to get your SETI on, folks… (Featuring Joshua Tan, Ph.D. in Computer Science at Oxford, and Professor Stefan Sorgner, Professor of Philosophy at John Cabot University, Rome.)

The Life Cycle is a production of Klang Games, creator of Seed, the planet colonization MMO — watch the new trailer here.  Subscribe to The Life Cycle on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify. Follow The Life Cycle on Twitter and Instagram.