Senior DHS staffer who oversaw #KidsInCages and promoted the #MuslimBan is now a top Google employee

Miles Taylor was chief of staff to DHS undersecretary Kirstjen Nielsen, publicly defending his boss's implementation of the #MuslimBan ethnic cleansing policy and helping to implement the family separation #KidsInCages…

Miles Taylor was chief of staff to DHS undersecretary Kirstjen Nielsen, publicly defending his boss's implementation of the #MuslimBan ethnic cleansing policy and helping to implement the family separation #KidsInCages policy.

Now he is a Google "government affairs and public policy manager" who styles himself the company's "head of national security policy engagement."

Documents seen by BuzzFeed News show that Taylor has been on the job for a little more than a month. His boss is Johanna Shelton, a longtime Google public policy director and former Democratic congressional staffer. Further up the chain, Taylor is overseen by Mark Isakowitz, the public policy vice president, who's another recent hire and former top aide to Republican Sen. Rob Portman; Karan Bhatia, the vice president of global public policy who served for six years as a senior official in the George W. Bush administration; and Kent Walker, the senior vice president and chief legal officer.

As a counselor to then–acting DHS secretary Elaine Duke, Taylor called the screening and vetting standards at the country’s borders “no longer adequate to combat terrorism” as the agency recommended an updated policy to replace expiring parts of Trump’s travel ban in September 2017. He went on to serve as the deputy chief of staff and then chief of staff to Nielsen, whom Trump appointed to the top DHS role in December 2017. Nielsen oversaw the administration’s family separation policy for immigrants at the southern border. She resigned in April.

A Top DHS Staffer Who Defended The Muslim Travel Ban Now Works At Google [Ryan Mac/Buzzfeed]

(via Ernesto Falcon)

(Image: Quinn Dombrowski, CC BY-SA, modified)