Man pranks his friends and family at his own funeral

Irish man leaves funny recording for his funeral

Irish man leaves funny recording for his funeral Watch this video on YouTube. Shay Bradley from Ireland died October 8, but at his funeral he came back to life. "Hello?…

Shay Bradley from Ireland died October 8, but at his funeral he came back to life. "Hello? Hello?" he said as his coffin was being lowered. "Let me out, it's fucking dark in here!" He goes on, knocking from within the coffin, and then serenading his friends and family. Apparently, Bradley had always loved pranks, and pulled this last one on the day of his funeral.

According to Mashable:

Bradley's daughter, Andrea Bradley, posted the video to Facebook…Kiernan said that Bradley was concerned about scaring the younger ones, so his grandchildren and his wife were in on the joke. "Everyone else was shocked when [they] first heard it," said Kiernan.

"Everyone else thought it was real and you could hear 'is that Shay is that Shay' but gradually as things went on people [realized] he had prerecorded and everyone (apart from the priest and woman beside him) were in hysterics," Kiernan told Mashable. "It was beautiful to hear his voice and it just made me happy as that was him, so funny and always making others laugh, he’s such a bright character, he would be loving this right now"

How Bradley died and the details in planning the prank weren't disclosed.