"Incel violence" warning issued over new Joker movie screenings

The U.S. military fears incels will commit acts of violence at screenings of the edgy new Joker movie, and has warned troops to keep an eye out for them at screenings. Gizmodo:

In a September 18th email, service members were instructed to remain aware of their surroundings and “identify two escape routes” when entering theaters. In the event of a shooting, they were instructed to “run, hide, fight.”

“Run if you can,” the safety notice said. “If you’re stuck, hide (also known as ‘sheltering in place’), and stay quiet. If a shooter finds you, fight with whatever you can.”

It has no specific intelligence. Military officers just watched the trailers, like everyone else. They thought about comic book movies shot in a naturalistic style. They thought about the consequences of depicting the character as a lonely Nice Guy taking revenge on society. And they decided to put a marker down.