Raffi's new songs about kids, climate emergency, and Greta Thunberg

Young People Marching - Raffi Watch this video on YouTube. Raffi Cavoukian (AKA "Raffi") is best known as a beloved children's singer — I vividly remember attending one of his…

Young People Marching - Raffi

Raffi Cavoukian (AKA "Raffi") is best known as a beloved children's singer — I vividly remember attending one of his concerts as a child — and possibly secondarily as the brother of former Ontario Privacy Commissioner and excellent privacy advocate Ann Cavoukian, but in recent years, he's emerged as a smart, acerbic political activist whose anti-Trump and climate-oriented tweets are as much as source of uplift as his Baby Beluga was when I was a kid.

His latest foray is a pair of songs honouring the Climate Strike, Extinction Rebellion, Greta Thunberg, and the millions of children around the world who have taken their futures into their own hands. They're golden Raffi originals, a delight to listen to, and perfect for kids and their grownups to use to strengthen their resolve for a just climate transition…NOW.

Cool It

Raffi’s Response to the Climate Emergency [Raffi Cavoukian/Raffi Foundation]