Want to live in a yurt? Why not 'Do It Yurtself.'

With skills, patience, and help from his friends, this guy built a yurt (or ger) for himself and his partner about 20 minutes outside of downtown Portland. The finished home…

With skills, patience, and help from his friends, this guy built a yurt (or ger) for himself and his partner about 20 minutes outside of downtown Portland.

The finished home looks really cozy and comfortable, and he shares plans so you can build one yourself if you are so inclined.

“Our own little oasis about 20 minutes outside of downtown Portland. 30ft in diameter. 730 sq ft w/ an additional 200 sq ft loft.”

IMGURian ZachBoth shares photos and videos of his yurt adventure.

“Our yurt's distinguishing feature: the bedroom loft surrounded by four dozen house plants.”

“The exterior structure is a kit that we built (most yurts in the US are manufactured by about 10 different "yurt companies"). Interior was completely custom.”

“If you liked this, I encourage you to check out Do It Yurtself, the website I created to document our build in much more detail including several video episodes you can also find on youtube!”