HUD Sec. Ben Carson concerned 'big, hairy men' infiltrating women's homeless shelters

Number of days since the Trump administration has done something performatively homophobic or transphobic? Zero. Noted idiot and Trump administration Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson reportedly expressed concern…

Number of days since the Trump administration has done something performatively homophobic or transphobic? Zero.

Noted idiot and Trump administration Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson reportedly expressed concern during an internal HUD meeting about “big, hairy men” he believes are trying to infiltrate women's homeless shelters.

Three people present who understood this to be an attack on transgender persons later spoke to reporters at the Washington Post.

While visiting HUD’s San Francisco office this week, Carson also lamented that society no longer seemed to know the difference between men and women, two of the agency staffers said.

Carson’s remarks visibly shocked and upset many of the roughly 50 HUD staffers who attended Tuesday’s meeting, and prompted at least one woman to walk out in protest, the staffers said.

What a horrible asshole Ben Carson is. Just like everyone else in this godforsaken 2019 government.

HUD Secretary Ben Carson makes dismissive comments about transgender people, angering agency staff [Washington Post, reporting by Tracy Jan and Jeff Stein, photo: SHUTTERSTOCK]