List of free and amazing online courses from top universities

Open Culture and Class Central compiled a list of thousands of enticing free MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) and lectures from top-shelf educators at great universities like MIT, Stanford, and…

Open Culture and Class Central compiled a list of thousands of enticing free MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) and lectures from top-shelf educators at great universities like MIT, Stanford, and Harvard.

Here are just a few:

• Astrobiology and Space Exploration — Lynn Rothschild, Stanford

• Science, Magic and Religion – Free iTunes Video – Free Online Video – Courtenay Raia, UCLA

• 21 Hours of Lectures by Howard Zinn – Boston University

• Hacking Consciousness: Consciousness, Cognition and the Brain – Michael Heinrich, Stanford

• Heidegger Meets Van Gogh: Art, Freedom and Technology – Simon Glendinning, London School of Economics

• Jack Kerouac – Allen Ginsberg, Naropa University

• Science Fiction and Politics – Courtney Brown, Emory University

"3,700+ MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) Getting Started in September: Enroll Today" (Open Culture)