How did Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey's account get hacked?

Oops. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey's Twitter account got hacked. You can see the name of the group claiming credit. A Twitter spox confirmed that what we were all seeing was…


Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey's Twitter account got hacked.

You can see the name of the group claiming credit.

A Twitter spox confirmed that what we were all seeing was what we presumed.

A few more screengrabs below. This went on for quite a while, and much N-word was spewed.

Some concerns and grim lulz below, from those of us who observed in horror.

Prevailing theory, not confirmed at the time of this blog post on Friday afternoon, is that the hacked @jack tweets were posted using Cloudhopper, a tool for for posting tweets by SMS (phone texting). It's possible the hackers who were tweeting from the account got access by spoofing the number linked to his Cloudhopper account to send tweets from his mobile phone.