America's worst: Joe Arpaio to run for his old job

Time Bandits - It's evil, don't touch it!

Time Bandits - It's evil, don't touch it! Watch this video on YouTube. The gall. Pardoned by Orange Julius, racist birther asshat Joe Arpaio is running for his old job…

The gall. Pardoned by Orange Julius, racist birther asshat Joe Arpaio is running for his old job of Maricopa County Sheriff.

The Guardian:

Joe Arpaio announced on Sunday – the second anniversary of his pardon by Donald Trump – that he will see re-election to his old job next year.

Arpaio, 87, is a Republican who was voted out of office in 2016 after 24 years as sheriff of Maricopa county. He said he would seek his party’s nomination again in the 4 August 2020 primary, running against his former chief deputy, Gerard Sheridan.

Perhaps this is what they meant about the dead walking the earth.