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On sale: How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way

I bought How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way by Stan Lee and John Buscema when it came out in 1978, and I think it might still be the best how-to-draw book I’ve used. It covers a lot of territory in 160 pages – perspective, figure drawing, action, foreshortening, heads and faces, and composition. I found the last section, composition to be the most interesting.

I lost my first edition, but it has stayed in print so in 2010 I bought a new copy. As far as I can tell, it is exactly the same as the original.

Amazon has it on sale right now for [amazon_link asins=’0671530771′ template=’PriceLink’ store=’boingboing’ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’4fc80d80-f6ce-44e6-9b31-14c3fe59b13c’]

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