Oscar Mayer intros a hot dog ice cream sandwich to mock French's mustard ice cream

Things are getting weird in the world of ice cream. First, French's created mustard-flavored ice cream for National Mustard Day. Then, in response to that, Oscar Mayer created the "Ice…

Things are getting weird in the world of ice cream. First, French's created mustard-flavored ice cream for National Mustard Day. Then, in response to that, Oscar Mayer created the "Ice Dog Sandwich".

Fast Company:

Oscar Mayer, which is waging a Twitter war with French’s as we speak, teamed up with New York City-based Il Laboratorio Del Gelato to corrupt some perfectly good gelato with real bits of candied Oscar Mayer hot dogs, swirled with spicy Dijon Gelato, and “hot dog sweet cream,” a phrase that cannot be typed without gagging.

That unholy combination will be smooshed into hot dog shape, served on a cookie bun, and dubbed the Ice Dog Sandwich to mark the definitely not-made-up holiday of National Ice Cream Sandwich Day, aka August 2. That faux holiday is no excuse for this behavior, Oscar Mayer. The hot dog-flavored ice cream sandwiches will be bestowed upon the unlucky people of New York the week of August 12…

screenshot via Oscar Mayer