Stephen Fry explains the vast superiority of UK healthcare to America's omnishambles, which Brexiteers hope to import

A Woman Begs People Not To Call An Ambulance. UK vs US Healthcare, w Stephen Fry. Watch this video on YouTube. After Brexit, Tory leaders are hoping to strike a…

A Woman Begs People Not To Call An Ambulance. UK vs US Healthcare, w Stephen Fry.

After Brexit, Tory leaders are hoping to strike a bilateral trade agreement with the USA that will begin the dismantling of the NHS, starting with a ban on price-controls for pharma and open doors for America's wasteful, cruel, useless health-care insurance mega-corporations. In this video, national treasure Stephen Fry explains how the UK and US systems compare, and how American media lies about the state of the NHS to credulous, mouth-breathing Fox News zombies. If you want to keep the NHS out of any UK-US trade deal, sign the petition here. Learn more about Brexit here.