The inaugural Heavy Metal Knitting World Championship were an unqualified success, with competitors from the US, Russia, Japan and beyond converging on Joensuu, Finland to thrash and knit: competitors such as Woolfumes, Bunny Bandit and 9" Needles thrashed to heavy metal music while knitting, for an audience of about 200. The winners were the five-person Japanese team Giga Body Metal. Scottish competitor Heather McLaren (a Ph.D candidate in engineering) told the AP, "When I saw there was a combination of heavy metal and knitting, I thought 'that’s my niche.'"
Inaugural Heavy Metal Knitting World Championship title goes to Japan's Giga Body Metal
Purl jam: Finland hosts heavy metal knitting championship Watch this video on YouTube. The inaugural Heavy Metal Knitting World Championship were an unqualified success, with competitors from the US, Russia,…
Purl jam: Finland hosts heavy metal knitting championship