Inaugural Heavy Metal Knitting World Championship title goes to Japan's Giga Body Metal

Purl jam: Finland hosts heavy metal knitting championship Watch this video on YouTube. The inaugural Heavy Metal Knitting World Championship were an unqualified success, with competitors from the US, Russia,…

Purl jam: Finland hosts heavy metal knitting championship

The inaugural Heavy Metal Knitting World Championship were an unqualified success, with competitors from the US, Russia, Japan and beyond converging on Joensuu, Finland to thrash and knit: competitors such as Woolfumes, Bunny Bandit and 9" Needles thrashed to heavy metal music while knitting, for an audience of about 200. The winners were the five-person Japanese team Giga Body Metal. Scottish competitor Heather McLaren (a Ph.D candidate in engineering) told the AP, "When I saw there was a combination of heavy metal and knitting, I thought 'that’s my niche.'"