House Judiciary Committee subpoenas 12 witnesses, Jared Kushner and National Enquirer's David Pecker and Dylan Howard included

On Thursday, the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday expanded its investigation into Donald Trump and obstruction of justice by authorizing subpoenas to 12 officials, including the President's son-in-law, Jared Kushner,…

On Thursday, the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday expanded its investigation into Donald Trump and obstruction of justice by authorizing subpoenas to 12 officials, including the President's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and former top National Enquirer executives David Pecker and Dylan Howard.

David Pecker served as American Media's CEO, and Dylan Howard as its CCO.

Here's the list of the names the Judiciary Committee has voted to authorize subpoenas for:

1 Rick Dearborn
2 Michael Flynn
3 Jody Hunt
4 Jared Kushner
5 John Kelly
6 Corey Lewandowski
7 Rob Porter
8 Rod Rosenstein
9 Jeff Sessions
10 Keith Davidson
11 Dylan Howard
12 David Pecker

Here's Trump's response:

From Politico's coverage of the Thursday House vote:

On a party-line vote, the committee empowered Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) to issue subpoenas to current and former Trump administration officials who were central figures in former special counsel Robert Mueller’s 22-month investigation of Russian contacts with the Trump campaign.

The subpoena list also includes Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner, in addition to some of Mueller’s key witnesses: former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and former White House Staff Secretary Rob Porter.

The panel also authorized subpoenas for executives of American Media Inc., which was involved in hush-money payments to women who alleged that they had affairs with Trump. Nadler has not indicated when or whether he’ll issue the subpoenas.

“We will not rest until we obtain their testimony and documents so this committee and Congress can do the work that the Constitution and the American people expect of us,” Nadler said.

Read the rest: House Judiciary approves subpoenas for 12 key witnesses, including Jared Kushner