Trump asked about busing, announces new plan coming in four weeks

During a press conference at the G-20 Summit in Japan, President Trump was asked about federally mandated busing, a topic that Senator Kamala Harris and former Vice President Joe Biden…

During a press conference at the G-20 Summit in Japan, President Trump was asked about federally mandated busing, a topic that Senator Kamala Harris and former Vice President Joe Biden sparred over during Thursday night's Democratic presidential debate.

President Trump Holds a Press Conference

You can watch the President bumble his way through busing in the video above.

"I will tell you in about four weeks. We're coming out with a certain policy that's going to be very interesting and surprising to a lot of people."

Wait. What?

When a reporter asked a follow-up, it got worse.

"Well, it has been something they've done for a long period of time. You know, there aren't that many ways you're going to get people to schools. So this is something that's been done…in some cases with a hammer instead of a velvet glove. That's part of it. But this has certainly been a thing that's been used. I think if Vice President Biden had answered the question somewhat differently, it would have been a different result. They really did hit him hard on that one. But it certainly is a primary method of getting people to schools."

(Image: Library of Congress/Wikimedia Commons)