An easy way to transfer old VHS and DVD video to digital

There's a lot of hidden treasure on the VHS tapes gathering dust on thrift store shelves, pawn shop bins, or maybe even your own attic. The thing is, those treasures…

There's a lot of hidden treasure on the VHS tapes gathering dust on thrift store shelves, pawn shop bins, or maybe even your own attic. The thing is, those treasures won't last forever. Depending on the storage, VHS media might last as few as 10 years.

If you've got memories that are worth preserving, it might be time to invest in the VHS-to-Digital Video Transfer Device and Software Package. And thanks to the interface, it's easier and faster to save those memories than you might think.

Even if your technological savvy hasn't advanced much since the days of Blockbuster Video, this software's three-step process makes the copying process painless. You can capture video from any composite source along with audio (no sound card required), all through a high-speed USB 2.1 interface. VHS or DVD video can both be converted just as easily with high-speed rendering, ready to view or share on the web or any mobile device.

The VHS-to-Digital Video Transfer Device and Software Package is on sale now for $16.99, 75% off the MSRP.