Oglala Lakota Sioux to South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem: You are not welcome at Pine Ridge Reservation

South Dakota governor Kristi Noem (R) is governor non grata at Pine Ridge after her support of new "riot boosting" laws that target indigenous people opposed to oil infrastructure on…

South Dakota governor Kristi Noem (R) is governor non grata at Pine Ridge after her support of new "riot boosting" laws that target indigenous people opposed to oil infrastructure on their land.

From The Lakota Law Project: “The Oglala Sioux Tribal Council voted unanimously this week to inform South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem that she is not welcome at the Pine Ridge Reservation in the wake of her support for new "riot boosting" laws that unfairly target tribes and their allies who oppose new oil infrastructure on treaty lands.”

It's a wonderful read. Here's the embedded letter, below, and [PDF Link].

Noem Disallow Letter by on Scribd

PHOTO BY AARON HUEY, courtesy lakotalaw.org

[via girlsreallyrule]