**UPDATE** Joel Rubin has said the cut was legit.
It was a legitimate commercial break. They had me on again after the break. https://t.co/2jjoVsELld
— Joel Rubin (@JoelMartinRubin) April 28, 2019
Fox News abruptly cut off former assistant secretary of state Joel Rubin for explaining that Trumpism led to today’s shootings in Poway.
I was watching Fox coverage of the synagogue shooting in Poway.
Former assistant secretary of state Joel Rubin was making a point.
Joel, Joel, Joel the announcer said.
Then the control room took the commercial for the Salonpas pain relief patch.
This is what I saw: pic.twitter.com/ztFsxA7esh— Glenn Kubish (@Kub64) April 27, 2019