Boing Boing Staging

Newly discovered behind-the-scenes footage from the filming of Raiders of the Lost Ark

Joe Hughes found this long forgotten treasure of an old VHS video. It was filmed by his grandfather.

This has been sitting in my Grandfathers VHS collection for decades, and I don’t believe it has ever been shown to the public

When filming the “Jock! Start the Engine!” scene, the production of Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark rented a plane from my Grandfathers neighbor (who was a good piloting friend as well). His family was there filming during the trip to Hawaii, and captured a lot of behind the scenes footage of the creation of the small moment. This upload is for educational purposes. It is amazing the ups and downs the whole process took, and it must have taken a very large budget for such a small moment. I will soon have a commentary track with my grandfather to provide more details. I mean really, they wrecked the plane and had to repair it. It’s quite the story.

Converted from original VHS by doily0 on Reddit if that works for proof.

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