Mysterious bundles of hair turning up on Santa Barbara streets

Mysterious bundles of hair have been turning up on streets in Santa Barbara's Mesa neighborhood. It's not known yet if the hair is human, non-human animal, or synthetic. From KEYT:…

Mysterious bundles of hair have been turning up on streets in Santa Barbara's Mesa neighborhood. It's not known yet if the hair is human, non-human animal, or synthetic. From KEYT:

We reached out to cosmetology workers and those who may have some insights into cultural traditions that involve these hair bundles, but there were no answers…

One resident said she saw some people dropping or throwing smaller ones out of a car window recently, but those are not the ones out there now.

One person on the Mesa saw a resident run into traffic this afternoon, grab one and disappear.

More at Mysterious Universe: "Mysterious Bundles of Hair Appear on California Streets"